British Movement (Cambridge Footlights Revue) Come join us in the noblest of causes The battle for national improvement The creaking of leather and uniforms Is the hymn of our British movement
We promise you riches and prosperity Employment for the British working man We promise you holidays in America On exchange with the Ku Klux Klan
Eliminate the Paki, exterminate the Blackie Pull out this disease by the roots A British Movement government would repatriate the immigrant To the tramp of Union Jack boots
Children in football grounds and classrooms Are paraded in tiny rank and file Incited to multi-racial aggro Exalted by the war cry "Zeig Heil" ("Zeig Heil!")
Imagine a society with skinheads roaming wild and free And not a pair of thick lips in sight Fumigate the Underground and sterilize the cricket grounds
White coat and white elephant Whitewash and White Christmas White horse and white rich and white poor White dirt and white licorice White helmets, white truncheons White face and white Willie Whitelaw (poor) - прослушать